Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Help? dental issues!?

i still have baby teeth (2) and i need to get them out before tommorow myself so i can get adult implants so my teeth look normal for important appointment. i dont have time to make a dentist appointment, have any ideas how to get them out quickly? ive been wiggling one for over a week and a half non-stop and its not much looser... i NEED to get them out. ive tried needle-nosed pliers, but the tooth is too small and the same goes for the string and doorknob idea. what do dentists do to get them out?
As a dentist I can tell you that we have several different types of special tools that we use to extract (pull) teeth. For example, Lidocaine injections to block the nerve and numb the gums, an Elevator to loosen the tooth from the bone, and extraction forceps to actually pull the tooth. I suggest you see your regular dentist to remove these teeth for you, I know it seems like a pain, but let someone who knows what they are doing remove the teeth for you. God luck!

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