Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can I get a tooth-brush out of my toilet?

put your hand in the toilet and get it dummy.
stick your hand in it. wash after
Wrap your hand in a plastic grocery bag and get it. =)
Go bobbing for it, you know just like you did that time you couldn't pass that final semester of English III and your teacher suggested some 'extra credit'
If you really, really don't want to reach in there, use a pair of kitchen tongs. Then be sure to wash them and sterelize them very well after!
Oh, and throw away the toothbrush when you get it out.
Make sure no one flushes it, or you'll likely have to take the toilet apart. My ex's kid pulled that one on me.
put golves on and grab it. would it really matter anyway??u cant use it after its been in the toilet
You stick your hand in the toilet bowl and pick up the toothbrush, then you wash your hands and your toothbrush

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