Saturday, August 8, 2009

How do i get my teeth straighted with out braces?

how do i get them cmopletly straighted quikly and with out bracs or even with out invisalign. i have a book coming out and i need to get ready for photo shoots and book signings. Please help... btw im only 15.
I'd like to tell you that this is possible, but sorry - it just isn't. If someone told you of a method it wouldn't be reputable. The reason is that if teeth are moved too quickly it will make the roots resorb (disappear), so you end up with short unstable roots of the teeth causing you major problems in the future. Maybe for your next book jacket cover! Good luck!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
I think I read something about some type of cover that goes over your teeth. I would suggest maybe talking to a dentist to see what can be done. Oh, and grats on your book!
book signings and photo shoots at 15? hmmm

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing the knowledgeable blog about How do I get my teeth straighted with out braces. Really a nice blog!!

    how can i get straight teeth
