Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can I get my teenage son to stay away from 2 of his friends that are not a good influence on him?

My son has 2 friends that are wanna be thugs. I have worked hard all of my life to raise my son and help him succees. He defends them and tells me they are good and he will hang out with them.
Time to lay down the law and exercise your authority as a parent. Let him know exactly why you are forbidding him from contacting the "wanna be thugs". Emphasize that you are requiring this not to "tell him who his friends can be", but because you love him too much to allow him to be in danger.Tell him precisely what you expect of him, and what the consequences will be if he chooses to ingore those expectations. He likely will be angry about it. Sometimes as a parent, you must be willing to shoulder the anger of your child for their own protection.
Bribe him! give him $2 every day he doesn't hang out with them.
Try to get him interested in good, wholesome activites so he won't have time to "hang out" all the time with the guys. And you can also discuss their influence on him with him to explain why he needs to make good/better choices in friends. I know I'm so busy with school, sports and work that i don't have time for partying with the crowd or just hanging out looking for trouble
buy a cattle prod. or a branding iron. send your son off for the weekend .
find the two boys. bring to your home . torture them for at least one day 24 hours . tell them they must leave the state and not contact anyone in the state again .
if they refuse brand child molester on there foreheads and send them on there way .
i dont know his exact age but you can refocus him on more activities to reoccupy his time away from home. Place him in a YMCA for basketball.. or some type of sport he loves doing. One good way my friend did with her 17 year old son was change her schedule after work..instead of going home after work...she picked him up everyday and they did some creative that he liked to do..If he like to play basketball she dropped him off at the Y..if he wanted to lift weights she took him to the Y instead keeping his mind occupied with his friends at home in the street.
Get you son away from these kids as soon as you can. They are going to go to jail and will take your son with them. Get him outta there even lie to the kids and tell them that he as sports or homework just anything to get him away form them.
Introduce your son to new things, activities,hobbies, and people. Do not forbid him from seeing his friends b/c that will make him do it to spite u behind your back. Try to get in to take active interest in positive hiking, or karate or something he is really interested in. Most importantly talk to your son, tell him how you feel and explain why you do not think his friends are a positive influence. Good luck!

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