Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can I get rid of the gaps in my teeth at the top?

13 and in Australia. Teeth fully grown. Gaps in the two front teeth, and one between the top right front tooth and my right eye tooth. How much will this cost. No braces sorry.
This may sound silly but my daughter and step son both used little tiny rubber bands that my other daughter had for her braces. At night, they put a tiny rubber band around the two top teeth (in the front) and eventually, both of them had a small gap closed up. I don't know if it would work for you but oddly enough, they did have success. With four children, we could only put the braces on the one whose mouth was in crucial need in order to save her teeth. I can't say I recommend it, I just know that it worked for them.
No clue how much it will cost but than put veneers on at the dentist office.
You need a brace, go see an orthodontist.
I would seriously consider getting braces. You will regret it if you don't because your teeth will only grow worse. It's better to have them now than as an adult.
You'd have to get braces or invisiline. Unless you got veneers. Go to the cosmetic dentist...he could prescribe soemthing for you.
You can get the gaps filled with resin or porcelain by your dentist. Will costs hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on what kind you get.
I'm sorry to say braces would be the best route to go. If your gaps are not so big, your dentist or orthodontist may be able to recommend invisalign or somethign similar. Alternatives are removing yoru teeth or inserting teeth which are painful and I don't recommend! It is more costly and more painful! If I am correct, you are 13 years old?? If you dont want braces, ask your dentist about nighttime retainer type of treatments. Good luck! =)
veneers. it takes the least amount of tooth structure away. costs about 700-800 per tooth. depending on the space and position, u will probably will need about 4. a little cheaper than braces, but insurance considers veneers as cosmetic and will not cover. u can ask about care credit. no interest for about 12 months.
So the plates you talked about earlier are really some dumb removable device. You really need braces and you need to see an Orthodontist.
For more information go to www.braces.orgIf you want veneers or a cosmetic build up to close the gaps, you may need to see a prosthodontist. Check out
you may not want to but you should get braces
its better to get them when your younger i got braces when i was 16 i wish that i would have been able to get them when i was younger but i didnt have enough money
you should use that youll get them of when your about 14-16 most likely 15 though

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