Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How can I pull my daughters tooth ?

It is bothering her and it's loose !
How do I need to pull it one of her mollars !
i jusr lose a molar a couple days ago well it really depeds on how lose it is. if it is really lose give her a little debbie fudge round dont tell her to chew it on the side in which the tooth is on just let her do it herself. if it a little lose try pulling pushing twisting turning. if it is lose, like u can see her gums in the back but it is hanging on in the front, (it might hurt a little bit but i hav done it before cause my tooth waz hurting really bad)take dental floss, stick it under the tooth and quickly pull the string. its up to ur child not u which method to use.heads up:
if its a molar it will bleed- a lot
Go to the dentist.
tie a string to it and pull it
It probably be easier if you could get her to do it herself, seeing as it's one of her molars. Depending on how loose it is, try woobling it back and forth, side to side, or even twist it and yank. Yikes, well I hope that it isn't too painful for her.
go to the dentist...cause there the professionals...
a nice hard apple always did the trick for me
I have never pulled a molar but this is how I have pulled all the other teeth. I get a string and tie it around the tooth then I start to talk to my child, trying to distract him then when I see that he is relaxed YANK! out with the tooth. I hope this helped, take care.
The only way not to hurt her is the dentist. Or try not telling her and just doing it, it will hurt for only a few seconds and she will learn that life is sometimes painful.
Leave it alone and let it come out on it's own. Do not let your daughter's fear of dentists keep her from getting regular dental care. Please be sure that she brushes at least twice a day (especially before bed) and make sure she flosses properly. Also, limit sugary foods and sodas (especially Mountain Dew which is given the worst grade by the American Dental Assoc.) This will prevent her from needing extensive dental work in the future.
take some floss and wrap it around the tooth.Have her close her eyes.Then yank it.She wont even notice you pulled it yet.If it is a baby tooth
You need to leave it alone and allow it to come out on it's own. You could risk damaging the roots if you pull pn it too hard. It will fall out on it's own or with the help of something hard back there when she eats. Leave it alone. No need to go to the dentist unless she got an infection.

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