Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How do you tell someone that they have bad breath and not hurt their feelings?

There is this man that i work with in the office. He is 30. When ever i talk to him his breath makes me want to puke! Whenever he smiles though, his teeth are pearly white, but his gums are red and a little swollen. I REALLY want to tell him that he has bad breath and needs to get help with it, but I don't want to embaress him, or hurt his feelings. I think he is aware of his breath too, because he is always popping mints in his mouth. Help me please!
It is quite common and as a railroad worker I encounter this a lot. First of all, you can leave them a note allowing them the privacy so that they are not offended. I use this method and it works for me. I do not place a name but leave it unsigned.Second if you take them aside as a friend and allow them to know you mean no disrespect then proceed with the information not to offend them but make them aware of such an offense then they will see it.Make sure you allow them to know that you had an incident yourself with that same problem and tell them how embarrassed you were.Tell them how someone told you in public and how it felt to be belittled by it. Tell them as a friend you are trying to have them avoid that same situation and not feel ashamed by it. Most people have reasons for being that way and some are just that way but if it is a serious matter it could be they have an infected tooth as well.You choose the method to inform them of such a thing and remember how would you feel if someone approached you?
Offer him a stick of gum or pull him aside and tell him in private.
Pull him aside to tell him. Preface your confrontation by saying the reason you are telling him is because you care and that you know he would be just as honest with you.
Give this a guy a tooth brush and some tooth paste then get him some mouth wash and a bunch of REALLY strong mints!
I would get a flyer from a dentist on gum disease and breath problems and soulutions and leave them around the office.
Maybe he would see them and take the hint.Oh and make sure no one sees you doing it!
if you think he already knows it would be rude to point it out. although I was once in the same situation and I talked about how horrible mine was one day and he chimed in commenting about himself.. that opened the door to talk about it with him.
Well be specific. tell him straight forward that his breath stinks... BUT IN A REALLY NICE WAY.
tell him something like: hey _____ can i be honest with u? I don't want to hurt your feelings, but and i'm doing this the best way i can think of to not hurt ur feelings as much as somebody else would, anyways your breath has a really bad odor to it. i just wanted to let u know so u wouldn't get hurt really bad to someone else who would just tell you what he feels.
Well he could have gingivitis, which makes your gums swollen and you get bad breathe. Take him somewhere it is just you and him. Ask him if he has a dental problem. If he says yes then give him these tips.1 brush your teeth morning nite and afternoon
2 tell him to use crest prohealth
3 floss before brushing
4 tell him he might want to get a new toothbrush.If he says no then tell him gently that he might want to go to the dentist. everyone deserves to know if they have a problem worth fixing. I was in the same position a couple of weeks ago. She ended up thanking me for telling her about it.

How do you tell if you have a cavity?

I just lost a baby tooth recently and the adult tooth behind it has a white circle on it .It doesn't hurt at all.Could it be my ceilings the dentist put on my back teeth?HELP!
Go to the dentist! Get an x-ray!
You could always just as the dentist.
Ceilings? Do you mean sealants? Well cavities aren't white, just ask your dentist at the next visit.
Cavities hurt and are generally sensitive to cold.
I'm not sure what this is, but I cavity is a hole, so it's not one of those. Could it be a calcium deposit?
Usually it hurts (for instance when you drink sth cold or hot).
Go to the dentist to have a look.xxx
Cavities look like black holes on the teeth, if you had one I'm sure it would hurt if you eat sugary foods or if something was stuck in it.
If you have a cavity ask your dentist. If there is no dentist around were you live open your mouth in front of your mom or dad and ask them if they see any black spots or anything. If you are nervous then don't ask them. Does your tooth hurt at all? If so you have a cavity.
Hello:It's hard to say what you are looking at without evaluating your mouth/tooth. Yes, it could very well possibly be the sealant that your dentist placed.A cavity is an area of the tooth that has been broken down by the acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth.When the cavity is deeper it usually gives you a sensitive feeling to cold and sweets.Get a checkup --Brush, floss and rinse regularly -- keep your teeth clean-- You should do this regularly after every meal--if you are unable to brush after your meal at least rinse your mouth with water and then when you are able-- do a thorough job of brushing and flossing.
you should go to the dentist and have it looked at
A cavity will cause you pain. See your dentist soon.
when your up half the night howling like a "were" head for the dentist.
It is probably what we call a decalcified area. If it's located where I think it is, the baby tooth probably sat touching the molar in that area. It is a weak area of enamel and is in the first stages of becoming a cavity. My guess is that you weren't flossing between your teeth and the decay process started but hasn't become a full blown cavity. Usually a cavity is dark in color and can be sensitive to sweets and cold. If you do a super job of keeping it clean it probably won't get worse. Brush it for now and start a flossing habit. It will save you from cavities between your other teeth and this one later. Wouldn't hurt to let the dentist check it.
Most sealants are done on the top biting surfaces of the teeth where the deep grooves are located and are tooth colored and hard to spot.
Most likely what you are describing is what I like to call an "enamel bruise". Many times the enamel is disturbed during formation (several years back). Fevers, medications, lack of nutrition, too much fluoride ingested (yes, this happens). These spots generally are not a problem, but some may be weak areas. If you just lost the primary tooth, most likely it hasn't had time to get decayed. See your dentist and they can tell you for sure.
The Dentisty sees a hole
This is most likely a calcium spot - basically a deposit of calcium. nothing to worry about though it won't really fade. A cavity usually starts of as a smell hole that is brown and will turn black as it gets bigger.
Sealants are usually white in color and will only be in the middle of the tooth. A cavity is diagnosed by symptoms, not only appearance. If you were recently to the dentist and had x-rays, he/she would have mentioned it. If you are experiencing pain or sensitivity, I would see the dentist soon. But, I would guess that what you are seeing is the sealant recently placed. Hope that helps!!
it could be plaque starting to form around the teeth. i have a little bit of that on my teeth too.It's not a big deal really just make sure you brush really good.
Go and see your dentist.

How do you tell a guy that he needs to use mouthwash?

okay well my boyfriend has really stinky breathe. whenever he talks it makes me want to puke. how do i tell him that he really needs to use some mouthwash or start to brush his teeth?
Well, maybe if you go out and buy him mouthwash and give it to him and say, "Hey, I bought this new mouthwash and I'm trying to get better dental hygiene so do you mind if we tried it together?" If he doesn't use it just break it to him and tell him that his breath smells and that you like him but it would really mean a lot to you if he freshened his breath.
every time he opens his skankey mouth have a certs ready. he will get the hint.
offer him some gum whenever you meet up
Give him mouthwash as a gift! Add a note that says "To make your mouth a little sweeter to kiss". Putting it in nicer way will help lessen the blow to his feelings and gives him the oral care he needs.
he needs to floss not just mouth wash... best way is to tell him with a sour look on your face, definitely tell him
How about saying "Wow! What have you been eating? You need another mint." every time you see him?Or, you could be honest and just tell him he needs to clean up his act.
Just be straight and up front. Break the ice on the topic by asking "did you just eat some ________?" If he is smart, he will take the hint and be more conscious about his breath, if not, try again by telling him that his breath is horrible. It may be a problem caused by tooth decay or gum disease - he may need to see a dentist.
One of the biggest causes of bad breath is not flossing. Breath mints are a quick fix but he needs to floss, floss, floss and brush his tongue when he brushes his teeth in the morning and at night to keep his breath fresh all the time. Keep offering him mints as he tries to get close and when he finally asks why you keep doing this tell him the problem and the solution. Tell him you love to be close, but his breath is making it really difficult for you. This was a problem my husband had and flossing really helped. But because he hadn't done it all of his life, he ended up with gum disease followed by oral surgery. Not fun!
lucky you.
it might be a buildup or calcified plaque, and it stinks!! you cant get rid of the smell even with mouth wash!
the next closest holiday include it in a delightful looking basket toiletries and mouthwash also tic tacs
He must have some redeeming features if you are still with him. So how about telling him he needs to brush his teeth more than once a week. If that doesn't work carry around a packet of mints and when ever he opens his mouth just pop one in. If this doesn't work you will just have to leave him.
with words
actually if he brushes his teeth, he might only need a tounge scraper. If he uses mouthwash and doesnt scrape his tounge (not with a toothbrush) all mouthwash will do is dry out his mouth which makes it even more of a breeding ground for bacteria. Bad breath mainly comes from a bacteria infested tounge.trust me!
sorry to be the one to tell you your breath stinks .
then as are we still friends.
if he is hurt and up set tell him love hurts

How do you tell a friend to brush their teeth without offending them?

i know of many ppl who dont brush their teeth, or if they do they have bad breath still. how doi tell them they stink?
Your question bears out a social problem. I have the reputation of being a cagey kind of guy. So I can just say what's on my mind. However there are times when tact is required. Telling someone that their breath is offensive can create a lengthy and undesirable social rift. My approach is to mention someone else having the oral hygiene issues. You see we are all willing to talk about someone else. You say, "What's wrong with that poor dear, can't she see the sandwich and salad she is still carrying around in her teeth." The listener gets the idea that people really notice other peoples breath and will talk about it and that they need to check there own maintenance. That's if I don't feel like just saying, "dang Yo breaf sho du stank!"
Offer them some kind of mint or mint gum, saying its really good, and if they like it, buy them some.
Well just ask your friend if they looks after their teeth. If they do just advise them to use mouthwash .
convince them to eat gum after they eat.
there really is no way to do so with out offending them unfortunately, but you can offer them breath mints or gum
( have a piece yourself if you don't want to look too obvious) or IF you have a good relationship with this person mention it to them politely. It could be they are having health issues that cause the problem and they either do not realize the problem or are unable to control it. I have been in that position before and could walk around all day with a mouth full of mouthwash and still have bad breath ( I was soo happy to get over that issue!!)
I quess I would first have to ask if they have a favorite toothpaste? Ask which one and then let them know your tried that one and it left you having bad breath at least that's what your friends would tell ya. So your tried another brand name recommended by your dental hygenist. At that it showed great improvement, may they would like to try it?Just in case these people do brush here is an article about causes for bad breath etc. Share this as a casual conversation. And if you really feel bad about their personal brushing habits send them to the link below for low cost dental plans offering free dental exams etc. Good Luck!
Offer them a mint, gum or breath strips. Tell them it's new on the market and getting everyone's opinion. Listerine has some. When you brush after lunch, suggest they join you. Or if they are good friends, gift them a tongue scraper. It helps to get rid of the bad breath germs. Tell them you use it and love it. Or a new kind of brush or toothpaste. If you're not so close to them, mint or gums should do it. Good luck!

How do you stop tooth/gum sensitivity?

I was just at the dentist and had a cleaning. I was told that my gums are starting to receed and shown a proper way to floss. Even with the easy slide floss, it still hurts. It, too, takes so much time to floss. Is there a rinse or anything else I can do instead to get the plaque and to help with the receeding?
Flossing is actually more important than brushing because nothing else will reach into those deeper gum spaces where the the gum infection gingivitis gets started. The floss is also the only way to access in between where the teeth contact to prevent cavities. I think of it like this - brushing your teeth is like washing your hands and flossing is like cleaning under your nails. Check out this website to view alternative products to help you floss - Like Crest Glide Dental Floss Picks, Reach Access flosser etc. http://www.drugstore.com/search/search.a...
My Dad doesn't floss and really loves Johnson and Johnson's Stimudents so you might try those. Rinses may help reduce plaque or inflammation, such as Listerine or Crest Pro Health but I wouldn't recommend Peridex because of the staining it causes and altered taste perception.
I wish I could give you a huge shortcut, but I don't have one. You do sound really motivated and that is great because dental health is related to total body health. Keep up the good work!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
There's a prescription mouthwash called Peridex that you can get from your dentist.
There are toothpicks like Stimudent or brush picks (a tiny brush on one side, a pick on the other) but it can damage your gums if not used properly, not fit, and still not as effective as floss. Another option is the WaterPik. But you have to be gentle or it can also damage your gums. Of course nothing replaces flossing but I've seen a lot of dentists offer this as a alternative. You can also put some mouthwash in it too. Brush gently and use a soft toothbrush. Depending on how far they have receeded, you can ask your doc about gum grafting. Where they take tissue from the roof of your mouth and graft it to the gum that's gone. The receeded gum will not come back like it was before. If you switch to a softer toothbrush, it'll stop it from receeding further and come back very, very slightly. I have the same thing and got a filling on the receeded tooth and will do the gum grafting later this year. Good luck

How do you stop a place where tooth was pulled to stop bleeding?

A large piece of guaze folded into a square and placed directly on the site, then clamp down the jaw to hold it in place. Then return to the dentist for proper treatment. The site should have a large clot at the jawbone to prevent postoperative bleeding, and if it has been lost you will need to have something else done to control the bleeding and guard against infection. If you do not have guaze, any clean cotton cloth will work, such as a handkerchief or washrag, strip of cotton t-shirt if it comes to it- so long as it is clean. But then you need immediate attention from your dentist.
Get gauze and roll it up and put it in place of the tooth. If you dont haev any gauze handy, try and find a tea bag. There is soemthing in them that helps the bleeding. If the bleeding persists then you should call your dentist.
the tea bag should work. it helps to clot the blood, and the pressure helps too. get it a little bit damp with warm water first, then "bite" on it for at least 1 hour. you can also apply a cold pack to the outside of the cheek where the tooth was removed. this helps slow down the blood flow to the area.
Take some gauze and fold it several times and bite down on it, it should stop bleeding if not contact your dentist
Place Cold Gauze Soaked With ICY Cold WATER! On Top Of Where The Tooth Was Pulled!Soak The Gauze With ICY Cold Water and Lay Down!
Keep Your Tougue Out Of The Tooth Socket!
Go To The Emergency Room If Bleeding Does Not Stop!
May Need Stitches! Can Be INFECTION!
gause folded up put in the area, and bite down on it to apply pressure, if you dont have that you can use a couple cotton balls, or a soft cloth. keep it in your mouth for a couple minutes(about 5-15min) then check to see if the bleeding slowed if it dont slow down go to a doctor, it may need stitches, or something.
It depends on the situation Did the dentist pull an adult tooth? Rinse mouth with soda water. Put gauze in hole.
On the first day, gauze-pressure
On the second day, rinse with salt water.Don't suck through a straw or cigarette, or suck in your cheeks (like you might before swallowing). It can pull the blood clot back out and it will continue to bleed until another clot can form.Hope it helps, I just recently went through it myself. Might want to have pain killers and Origel or Ambisol on hand.
While i agree with the measures posted here, observation should be made if they are successful. If these measures do not control the bleeding you must go see your dentist. Commonly, the cause of post-operative bleeding it something left within the extraction site and therefore interferes with clotting. sometimes it is caused by undue trauma to the area or an area of sharp bone that hasn't been smoothened. In rare occasions it is because of an inherent problem with the blood that prevents it from clotting. Some medications may also prevent clotting of blood
Ok...forget everything you were just told here...I have pulled thousands of teeth..here is what you need to do:Keep gauze on it for 30 minutes...bite down on it...don't talk, don't be moving around...sit and let it work...After 30 minutes, take it out and put another piece in for another 30 minutes...take this out...it is normal to "ooze" blood for the next 24 hours or so..don't brush that area when you brush your teeth...don't use mouthrinse, don't smoke, such through straws or pick at the area...The bleeding will subside..

How do you repair your gums rom dip?

i just recently quit dipping or chewing tobacco? How can i repair my gum?
Yikes! But I am glad to hear you have quit.Get HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AT THE DRUG STORE.Gently brush your teeth and gums with it once or twice a day. It is amazing in healing sore, bleeding or damaged gums.Congratulations. Girls will like you better now.
You might try brushing your teeth with baking soda everyday and see if that don't help you out. I know that kills all kinds of bacteria. My mom uses it every day instead of tooth paste and has for years.
Book an appt with the dentist. They'll see what needs attention. If there is a gum issue, best to have them look it over. You don't want to ignore it. If it's gum disease, your doc may recommend a deep cleaning or another treatment. For now, continue to brush for 2 mins with a soft bristle brush and floss daily.