Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How do you stop a place where tooth was pulled to stop bleeding?

A large piece of guaze folded into a square and placed directly on the site, then clamp down the jaw to hold it in place. Then return to the dentist for proper treatment. The site should have a large clot at the jawbone to prevent postoperative bleeding, and if it has been lost you will need to have something else done to control the bleeding and guard against infection. If you do not have guaze, any clean cotton cloth will work, such as a handkerchief or washrag, strip of cotton t-shirt if it comes to it- so long as it is clean. But then you need immediate attention from your dentist.
Get gauze and roll it up and put it in place of the tooth. If you dont haev any gauze handy, try and find a tea bag. There is soemthing in them that helps the bleeding. If the bleeding persists then you should call your dentist.
the tea bag should work. it helps to clot the blood, and the pressure helps too. get it a little bit damp with warm water first, then "bite" on it for at least 1 hour. you can also apply a cold pack to the outside of the cheek where the tooth was removed. this helps slow down the blood flow to the area.
Take some gauze and fold it several times and bite down on it, it should stop bleeding if not contact your dentist
Place Cold Gauze Soaked With ICY Cold WATER! On Top Of Where The Tooth Was Pulled!Soak The Gauze With ICY Cold Water and Lay Down!
Keep Your Tougue Out Of The Tooth Socket!
Go To The Emergency Room If Bleeding Does Not Stop!
May Need Stitches! Can Be INFECTION!
gause folded up put in the area, and bite down on it to apply pressure, if you dont have that you can use a couple cotton balls, or a soft cloth. keep it in your mouth for a couple minutes(about 5-15min) then check to see if the bleeding slowed if it dont slow down go to a doctor, it may need stitches, or something.
It depends on the situation Did the dentist pull an adult tooth? Rinse mouth with soda water. Put gauze in hole.
On the first day, gauze-pressure
On the second day, rinse with salt water.Don't suck through a straw or cigarette, or suck in your cheeks (like you might before swallowing). It can pull the blood clot back out and it will continue to bleed until another clot can form.Hope it helps, I just recently went through it myself. Might want to have pain killers and Origel or Ambisol on hand.
While i agree with the measures posted here, observation should be made if they are successful. If these measures do not control the bleeding you must go see your dentist. Commonly, the cause of post-operative bleeding it something left within the extraction site and therefore interferes with clotting. sometimes it is caused by undue trauma to the area or an area of sharp bone that hasn't been smoothened. In rare occasions it is because of an inherent problem with the blood that prevents it from clotting. Some medications may also prevent clotting of blood
Ok...forget everything you were just told here...I have pulled thousands of teeth..here is what you need to do:Keep gauze on it for 30 minutes...bite down on it...don't talk, don't be moving around...sit and let it work...After 30 minutes, take it out and put another piece in for another 30 minutes...take this out...it is normal to "ooze" blood for the next 24 hours or so..don't brush that area when you brush your teeth...don't use mouthrinse, don't smoke, such through straws or pick at the area...The bleeding will subside..

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