Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How do you get rid of garlic breath? (Even after brushing my teeth and tounge and using mouthwash)?

I love to top my pizza with garlic powder and crushed red peppers. I've tried chewing gum, eating candy, brushing my teeth and using mouthwash but the garlic taste is STILL in my mouth.
chew on parsley. it works! although not always readily available!
anis seeds
Try chewing on a lemon peel.
Chew a bit of parsley! Seriously, it's the only way to get rid of garlic breath... ever wondered why it's there on garlicy dishes when ya eat out?! Not just to look pretty :oP
chew some parsley
It help getting the bad breath away
You can't. You have to wait for it to go away.The trick is to make sure your date / SO has as much Garlic as you do, that way neither of you can smell it.
Try eating some dry bread.Parsley is really good too.A fellow garlic lover
eat parsley, or cardamom
A friend of mine who is a great cook told me to try lemon juice. I would cut up fresh garlic and the smell would stay under my nails for days. No matter how much I washed my hands. If you can stand it, try gargling some lemon juice. Have you tried mouth wash already? I'm assuming you have, but I would try mouth wash before the lemon juice. But it normally got the smell from underneath my nails.
chew on a coffee bean.
try chewing on a few springs of parsley, or chew on fresh mint, or drink a glass of hot mint tea. instead of brushing your tongue with toothpaste try scraping your tongue. do this by putting toothpaste on tongue and scrape on roof of mouth.
use more mouthwash. alot.
The garlic odor gets in your blood and is breathed out from your lungs. Seriously. If you don't want garlic breath, you need to stop eating it. Simple as that.
Before you eat garlic there are special capsules that have oils inside that you swallow and then after you finish eating take some more.They are natural without any harmful chemicals!:)

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