Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hi. My bottom teeth are showing through my gums.But i brush everyday so i have no clue what is going on.HELP!!

My gum feels like it is swelling. My teeth are showing through the bottom of my gum. How did this happen? I brush them everyday but i just have no clue what is goin on.
Always use a soft bristle brush and brush up and down never side to side. Never brush hard, brushing is basically polished, flossing will remove particles and yearly cleanings will remove tartar.
My dentist told me that I get this from brushing too roughly where the gums are sensitive. So brush, floss, and rinse daily, but be gentle, especially where it's sensitive.If necessary, there is a procedure done by a periodontist (gum doctor) that transplants cheek tissue into this area.Hope this helps!
Sounds like gum disease to me. Maybe you should go to the dentist to have it checked out.
here are some advices for gum care
1) always use a soft bristle brush
2) put the brush about 45 degree on the gum and brush from the gum towards the teeth and never go backwards it will irritate the gum
3) use a good mouth rinse i recommend to use this tip Lacalt Sensetive mouth rinse and use it in this way soak the tooth brush in the mouth rinse and gently brush your gum in a circular way 4 times daily
4) massage your gum by using your fingers (thumb and index fingers) on infront of your tooth and the other from behind and gentaly squeeze your gum towards the tooth, it's very helpfull to renew the blood ciculationin the gim.
the first two days it'll be a little bit annoying but you'll fell a difference after it
this will stop the gum from destruction
Sounds like your gums are receding. It can be caused by brushing too hard or gum disease. Use a soft bristle brush. Look for videos online to show you if you are brushing too hard or incorrectly. I was brushing way to hard causing my gums to receed. Found out after my dentist showed me how I'm suppose to brush. And floss everyday. Best to see your dentist. Good luck!

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