Sunday, June 28, 2009

HELP!! Anyone out there an oral Surgeon or going to dental school?

I just got treated for dry socket *wisdom teeth pulled 2 weeks ago* and I have medicated packing in the back of my mouth-- But im not sure when I can eat or Drink--My doctor told me but I can't remember- theres no way to get a hold of there anyone out there who knows how long I have to go w/ out drinking or eating? Please help!
You are fine to eat or drink, no straws though. You want the packing to stay in for as long as possible. Just use caution as to what you eat, nothing hard or grainy that can get lodged or stab the socket area. Hope I've been of some help and good luck with your healing. Additional information: I always tell patients to go back to their post op instructions since you really are starting over.
You should be able to eat or drink without probem since the original procedure was performed 2 weeks ago. Clotting and healing should be taking place. The symptoms of dry socket should improve within 5 days of placement of the dressing. Most dressings dissolve on their own. If you're still experiencing pain that is not improving, see your oral surgeon for post op evaluation ASAP. If your oral surgeon has asked you to return for a follow up, keep that appointment. Otherwise, you should be fine.

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